What is the ‘open register’?

Smiling dark haired woman wearing a green dress, stood in front of some trees.



There are two versions of the Electoral Roll: the full register and the open register (known as the ‘edited register’ in Northern Ireland).  

The full register shows the name and address of everyone registered to vote and is updated every month. Anyone can view this register, normally at their local Electoral Registration Office or library. But you’ll only be able to request a copy for election or law enforcement purposes.  

The credit reference agencies receive the full register, which they use to verify your name and address information.  

The open register (edited register) of the Electoral Roll is available for general sale and can be used for any purpose – normally marketing activities. Unlike the full register, you can choose not to be on it or ‘opt out’ as it’s commonly known. If you want to change your opt-in status, you just need to speak to the Electoral Registration Officer at your local council.  

It doesn’t matter whether you’re on the full or open version of the Electoral Roll, this will still show on your report and help your credit health.  

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