Know your file
Whatever your number, whatever your goal, the first step towards growing is knowing. With Checkmyfile you get the most detailed credit report on offer. Captured in one convenient spot.
![Check your credit report](
Check in with
your credit health
![Credit health](
The more you know
The higher you can go
Score summary
Get a breakdown of your current score, and understand any factors affecting it.
![Score summary](
Payments & borrowing
Get a detailed overview of your payment and borrowing history over the past six years.
![Payments and borrowing](
Addresses & Electoral Roll
See what information is held about your current address, past addresses and your Electoral Roll status.
![Addresses and electoral roll](
Associations & aliases
Find a full list of people you’re financially connected to.
![Associations and aliases](
Court information
Find any court information held on your credit report with the Credit Reference Agencies.
![Court information](
See which companies have been checking your credit report.
Fraud alerts
See any fraudulent activity that has been logged across your file.
![Fraud alerts](
Your questions
have answers
Next step
Grow your score